

Monday, August 22, 2011

The President of the United States is on vacation.
Oh, how relaxed he must be.

Put yourself in his shoes for a minute.
Imagine you're at your favorite vacation spot and you just spent the day doing whatever it is you do to unwind.
It's early evening and as you and your family sit around playing board games you decide a trip to the local ice cream shop would be nice.

So, you send out your advance team ( secret service ) to check out the area. You remove any trash cans that could pose a treat ( trash receptacles seem to be a huge threat these days ) and strategically place sharp shooters on the roof of the adjacent Antique Shop.

Once you get the "All Clear" call, you fire up the 4 car motorcade and casually drive to your destination, after the route has been double checked by bomb sniffing dogs. Of course, the Press follows in vans, each member wanting to be the first to find out what flavor of ice cream the President will order. Is he a chocolate guy? Vanilla? Will he loose voters from peanut farmers if he doesn't order something with nuts? Every step, word and lick will be documented.
His vacation must be sooo relaxing.

The anger, discontent and confusion felt by many Americans about the state of our country is not a new thing.
The President is in good company.

While reading a book titled, "Presidential Courage" the other night, I came across these words.
"...his national adoration was fading.....some wanted him impeached, some cartoons showed the President being marched to a guillotine."

Those words were written in 1795 about George Washington.
Some things never change.


Marilyn Miller said...

Thanks for the explanation of his vacation. I was wondering how he got to the ice cream store. And then I read he had a meeting about Libya thrown in for a little diversion. It must be so relaxing.

Karen said...

LOL.. don't forget the hecklers this year who have been shouting.. GO BACK TO WORK!!... as he enters and leaves the ice cream parlor.

dcpeg said...

In addition to trash cans, there are mail boxes to be checked. Some in D.C. have actually been removed out of concern for security in certain spots. OY! From what I've been reading, our Prez. ain't gettin' much R&R. His advisors surely are hounding him as is the press.

Jerral Miles said...

Right on... Who in the world would want the job? We're lucky to have him as President.

Sueann said...

I recently visited the Lincoln museum. Back in his day, they portrayed him as a vampire in some editorials!! Ha!
Times do not change

Joey said...

The cycle of life - I mean - politics!