This is the Corpus Christi Harbor Bridge and research shows that this bridge was, for 10 years, dark, light-less.
But throw $2,000,000 worth of LED lights at a bridge and you have a pretty good light show going on.
Every minute or so the pattern of lights change, lighting up the river in different colors.
Below the lights look like candy canes. I'm blaming the rain for me not being able to get a better photo.

These different photos were captured in a time frame of about 10 minutes, so, as far as bridges go, it's quite spectacular.
But when I read the cost to install a computer controlled light show on this bridge, my first thought was, "couldn't the 2 million dollars be used elsewhere in the city of Corpus? Don't they have hunger and homelessness in Corpus Christi?
Or does having a bridge that lights up and changes from minute to minute, draw the attention of outsiders, causing them to venture to the city to see the lights, where they might spend a night in a hotel and drop some cash in the local businesses? Does the city in some way feed the hungry of the city because of the lights on the bridge? I can only assume the lights were not put there for this merchant seaman's benefit. (although it does make for a interesting blog post.)
Should Mark stop questioning the reasons for the extravagant bridge lights, as he uses a camera, the cost of which, he's sure, could feed quite a lot of hungry people?
( I really miss Herman Cain and the way he talks in the 3rd person.)
Anyway, Mark doesn't know the answers, but he thinks the lights are pretty cool.
Its pretty spectacular and your lens certainly shows the magnificence of it! But then you hear the price tag that goes along with it and you do have to wonder don't you? I wonder how it was or who was responsible for funding it?
Hi Mark
I do not know if you guys have a homeless issue there or not, but your right the lights are pretty...and coming from me this is a huge bite to say that sometimes yes money like that could be spent on better things, but that doesn't mean that you guys shouldn't have responsible as well as pretty things happening in your town.
Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog, merry christmas and happy holidays to you and yours as well,
with Blessings
Syn de Nial
That's beautiful Mark, granted I would hate to have been the contractor in charge of putting them up but it looks spectacular!
How beautiful, he thinks. He also thinks that you should perhaps not think so hard.
The lights are beautiful and I think your photos are just fine. Well done!
As for the cost versus homeless and hunger...I have no answers.
As an artist...I need people to want beauty in their lives. Beauty I create! Then I in turn donate to food kitchens and homeless shelters. Sooooo...there ya go! Ha!
I had not seen the Corpus Christi bridge until you showed it to me all light-up in Christmas lights. Wow! Thanks.
Yeah, the lights are gorgeous, but you're right about better uses for all those bucks. Corpus Christi and Port Arthur both (I'm told by former residents) have serious problems with years of careless oil/gas handling, so a clean-up might have made better use of $2 million.
P.S. I don't think you're thinking too much. You have a conscience!
The lights are really cool! But the pricetag - hmmm... your questions are valid.
Wow! I love the colors on that bridge. In Portland there is one bridge that they light up, but nothing like this. Funny, one time there was a big football game and the competing team from another state purchased a month showing their team lights on that bridge. Clever team to think to rub the Oregon teams nose in that.
It's gorgeous and I'm sure there is a reason....cause cities just don't waste tax payers money or do they!
All levels of government need to get their priorities straight. Feeding starving and homeless people should always come first.
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