

Monday, February 4, 2013

Super Bowl Thoughts......


I'm glad the game is over and Ray Lewis is retiring.
Maybe now I can turn on my TV
without seeing some
reporter sucking up to Ray.


The image of Ray Lewis
crying uncontrollably while loudly praising the Lord
during the National Anthem before the Championship game 
will unfortunately be forever ingrained in my brain.
For a minute there I thought
someone must have just turned water into wine next to the Gatorade coolers 
on the sidelines.

Ray, it's a football game
try keeping it together. 
You acted like you just got the news you were 
canonized a Saint
instead of being named the starting linebacker.
Give it a break Ray.


How quickly everyone forgets when
during his college days
he was feeling his oats by assaulting 2 different girl friends.
Charges were dropped.
how in '99
a woman charged him with 2nd degree assault charges
because he punched her in the face.
Charges were dropped.
the murder charge he beat in 2000.

Nah, not buying it Ray.

I haven't mentioned Beyonce yet.
Did you catch her act.
Were people discussing whether or not she was lip syncing?
Did she sing to a recording?
Did she sing live?

She could mime the song
and I'd tune in.  


Denise at Autumn Sky said...

Yes, Beyonce. She is a gorgeous, talented class act. Being Niner fans, we are disappointed with the loss. Kaepernick has such a bright future and seems like a decent young man who won't have to beat charges for beating girlfriends. Let's see, what else? Oh yes, Beyonce!

Sueann said...

Beyonce'....I have heard about all I can take on that one! I mean, seriously????

Jerral Miles said...

Another one that belongs in The New Yorker... or at least Rolling Stone. BEYONCE! YES!

Joey said...

You crack me up, Mark. I'm afraid I didn't see one play of that game. Just wasn't into it. Can you say GIANTS? I did see your BEYONCE. She was ok. LOL. I DID like the Taco Bell commercial. And then yesterday I saw the Bed commercial. Definitely pulled a tear out of me! Now, I need to find "the Farm" one. Hmmm...