

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It's the little things

Today is a good day, because tomorrow night I’ll be home. Today is the 20th day of our 3 week hitch away from home and the smiles on everyone’s face is just a little bigger today.

Tomorrow night I’ll be walking our dogs before bed. Normally that isn’t a job I get too excited about. But that signifies the beginning of my 3 weeks at home, which is something I do get excited about.

Tomorrow I’ll be sleeping without the hum of the boats generator in the background and without the possibility of an engine alarm going off and disrupting my sleep.

The next morning I’ll be saying good morning to my wife, not the Able Bodied Seaman on watch.
My wife and I will share breakfast together before she heads off to work. I’ll walk the dogs and then settle in front of the TV with my coffee. My biggest concern will be what do I watch first, “Sports Center” or “CNN”?

I’ll put my feet up on the coffee table, (remember wife at work) and take a deep relaxation breath. Life is good.

Yep, today’s a good day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your time relaxing and watching... I vote for CNN :-)