

Friday, October 26, 2012

I wanted to start taking a photo each day.
My photographer blogger friends say there is always a picture to be taken.
I am presently at an oil dock in Texas.
Oil docks are ugly.
It's raining.
Sometimes I just don't feel it.

So I posted these below instead.
When I was home, I went to a High School cross country track meet.
The coach of the team is the best coach ever!
She's my daughter.
So I went to show my support and plus,
I just love competition of any kind so it's always enjoyable.

The added bonus was it was a spectacular setting
on a beautiful Fall day.
Win Win.

I just lost focus.
This glass pumpkin sits in our living room.
It was made for me by the best glass blower ever.
The glass blower is my daughter.

Ok, back to the track meet.

I only took about 100 photos while I was there,
but I'll spare you.

Golf is a weird game.
I've been playing for years.
I suck.
The funny thing is, each and every time I drive to the course
to play a round of golf with my brothers
I am totally convinced I have this game figured out and I am quite sure
I will score well this particular time.
I mean, I am totally convinced.
But things have changed.
I am now quite certain I will never get any better from this moment on.
It took 57 years
but golf has finally wore my butt out.

But I am at peace with being lousy.

Stay thirsty my friends.


Sueann said...

I love that glass pumpkin!!!

Karen said...

I collect glass paperweights and I have a glass pumpkin on my kitchen table, not unlike yours! Your daughter is talented, that's not easy to do! ...

Yes, there is ALWAYS a picture to take. I have an assignment for you. Instead of looking out at the big picture next time you're stumped for something to shoot... look around for the details. They might be as close as under your feet.

Formerly known as Frau said...

Cool track meet shots and the glass pumpkin love it! I don't golf but I hear the same thing from my father. Have a wonderful weekend!

Unknown said...

That glass pumpkin is unique. Lovely decoration. And I agree, She's very talented.

horse racing forums

Dagmar said...

Hey there mister sporty looks. Golf uh...not my thing, sorry to say. But horsback riding in a fall forrest would be great (not that I've done this in years), or may be just go outdoors and see what happens while I play with my camera is a goodie. Just like you did when orange was your theme color this post. Loved them.
Hugs again Dagmar

Jerral Miles said...

I especially like the photograph of the empty road before the runners came... with the person sitting along on the right... Classic.

Marilyn Miller said...

I am impressed by the glass pumpkin!
Very nice!