Before I continue, just now there was a commotion in the airport concourse, with sirens blaring and lights flashing. I looked up and saw 2 policemen scooting by with obvious urgency, on their scooters. You know the ones, those stand up riding scooters, that look like they were designed for an episode of the "The Jetsons."
It brought a smile to my face. Cops on scooters just don't have the same intimidating effect as cops in cool looking duel exhaust cop cars equipped with shotguns. Know what I mean?
In fact, cops on bicycles are more impressive than cops zipping around on stand up futuristic scooters. Maybe it's just me. I know the police who are assigned the scooter patrol are just as dedicated to protecting and serving...bla...bla...blaaa.
Sorry, they look stupid.
Anyway, the commotion has seemingly calmed down here with the scooter guys, so let me continue.
I spent a few unscheduled hours in the French Quarter this morning before heading to this airport I am now sitting in. I should have stayed in the French Quarter longer. The service in this previously mentioned eatery is terrible. I'm starving. All I want is an order of Hush Puppies and a beer. It's not like I ordered Etouffee or something. Drop some stuff in a fryer and lets move forward for heavens sake.
Speaking of food, when I arrived at Decatur street in the French Quarter, I immediately searched for Cafe du Monde which was recommended to me by Diahn.And a great recommendation it was.
I sat on their patio and enjoyed a great cup of Cafe' Au Lait and 3 of those delicious french pastries. It was the most relaxed I had been in 3 weeks.
I walked around and tried to capture a little of what I saw this morning.
Now, on to more important issues. People watching.
As I've mentioned before, I always look around airports and wonder what the other people there, are doing.
Business trip?
What do you do?
Hey, I know, this post is going on and on....but I have 4 more hours to kill before my flight, what can I say?
As I was uploading and blogging, I was keeping an eye on the table next to me.
4 people, obvious business travelers. 3 males ages 65, 55,35 and one female 38.
You might ask, how do I know she's 38?
People watching is what I do. I know.
Watching the group dynamic was interesting. When the group was intact, the older guys were the leaders of the table. The 35 year old guy was just smiling at everything the older guys said, and the woman was sitting ram rod straight in her chair.
After a bit, the older guys left and remaining were the two somethings. But the whole body language thing changed. Just let me say this. After 30 minutes of watching the 30 somethings by themselves...there is some office hanky panky taking place that the older guys don't know about.
I did learn that the guy just sent in his quarterly report to congress while watching the baseball game last night.
I wanted to run over there and ask, "What quarterly report?" "To congress?"
How cool is that?
I overheard the gentleman to my left, while talking loudly to thin air with a bluetooth thing in his ear, say he was up until 2 am editing film.
What film?
I want to know.
My Hush Puppies and Samuel Adams finally showed up.
I should have stayed in the French Quarter longer.
I'm so glad you made it to Cafe du Monde! And of course, now I'm jealous that you had beignets...sigh.
And the cops on segways...I can't see one without thinking of Paul Blart...Mall Cop...
I hope your hush puppies were worth the wait!
LOL....those things are stupid that the police and security ride around on.....
BUT now you have to see "mall cop" if you haven't already....please....just so we can laugh together :)
and what were you doing in new orleans ?
LOL....diane mentioned mall cop, too !!!
Love your photos, this is a place I've never been and would love to see. Love that halloween decked out upper deck! I hear this holiday is taken VERY seriously in the french quarter.
HUSHPUPPIES!!??... I haven't had one in 20 years, they don't serve them around here and I LOVE THEM.
Those Segway scooters are just ridiculous looking. There's an urge to stick your foot out or a broom stick or something...I see them in the city on occasion and it's just not right, looks silly. I hope it doesn't really take.
ahhh...New Orleans. It's been way too long. You've just inspired me to plan a trip to the Big Easy as soon as possible...great photos!
Last time I was there, I was with Diahn...interesting trip, to say the least. Ahem.
I love Hush Puppies!! You have me drooling here! I have never been to New Orleans...but I plan on visiting soon. Love Sam Adams as well.
That was interesting conversations there. You should have asked what film? Ha!
Oh great pics by the way
Your pics nailed the French Quarter! It's been years since I visited NO and your mention of beignets made my mouth water.
Sorry about the long wait at the airport. That's one thing I have no patience with. The smell of aviation exhaust really gets to me.
Hope you're safely at home now, bedding down with your lovely wife.
Your blog today could be a book... a novel... at least a very, very clever narrative poem. Bravo.
I need to hold on to my belly from laughing...gosh Mark, you are such a caracter. Loved your story, and hell yea next time you will stay long on my account...I'll buy you an extra cuppa just so there's more story here for me.
Cops on those hoover kind of things do look stupid. Totally agree.
And what about were that close eh? if only, than we could have meet over a cuppa for real ;-) may be you'll be shipped out to these quarters one day, who knows.
And I'm just like you, I can sit at an airport (or cafe) for hours and just wondering about all there magnificant difference of travelers.
Maybe next time you'll pick me out of the crowd and guess my age...
back at ya LOL.
Wonderful hugs and I'm so gladd (for myself that is) that it took soooo darn long, now I was able to have a blast.
Thanks Dagmar
Of course she's 38! I think all the things you heard are fascinating. Writer's food. I wish I had better ears - never hear a darned thing. So I sketch 'em. I visited the French Quarter once (pre-hurricane). Fascinating place. Best food I ever had. Your photos capture the place perfectly. Love the grillwork. Remember a sewer stench at the time I went - don't know if it's just sometimes, or all year round.
Thanks for the visit to New Orleans. It brings back memories of a time long ago, when I visited there.
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