

Friday, September 21, 2012

Sunsets, Hospice and other stuff.

Anchoring for a few days
is a nice reprieve
gives us all a chance to catch our breath

But being in the same place for days
makes me photographically challenged.

The same sunset everyday,
the dolphin are hiding
and the birds seem tired of me shooting at them.
( With camera lens )

So today I went black and white
to change things up.
And honestly, I'm not feeling the love.

I realized today
my house could be classified
as a animal hospice center.

One cat has one eye.
One cat was shot with a 22 and has a fake elbow.
One cat is mentally challenged
and will jump up on the coffee table, look at you, and start throwing
stuff off onto the floor
until one of the humans frantically jumps up
to let the cat out side.
One dog has the bad back end,
so we humans have to lift the back end of said dog up
everythime she wants to move 3 feet for some reason.
Said dog weighs in at about 115 lbs.
We have one other dog
and 2 other cats
that appear to be normal at this time,
but I know it's just a matter of time.

I mentioned the other day
we were loosing a long time crew member
to another boat.
New crew member came on board yesterday.
New crew member went grocery shopping today,
and came back with filet minon, crab, turkey, the makings
for alfredo, basil sauce, portobello mushrooms
and a cheese spread that would put most wine tasting rooms to shame.
I like new crew member.

When this election season is over
my email inbox should shrink 75%.
Stop it already.


bon bon said...

i think you managed a lovely photo considering you had nothing to shoot. and enjoy your fine dining at sea! :)

Sueann said...

Sounds like a "cook" after my own heart and belly!! Wow..what a shopping list!!

Denise at Autumn Sky said...

New cook = score!

dcpeg said...

Did you all get stuck in port because of what happened on the Mississippi? I think it was something to do with a gate not closing or opening (or something).

I'm with you on B+W pics. At least I'm not good at them.

Hmmm - you're a vegetarian and the new guy is serving filet mignon? Rough!

Jerral Miles said...

The cat and dog sound like some people I know... expecially the cat... throwing things... and even the dog with a lame backside. Are you sure you're not describing some humans...

Jerral Miles said...

Forgot to say... I like your black and white... especially your shot into the setting sun. Don't stop.

Donna said...

Does said new crew member pay for his selections - or will food costs skyrocket, he'll be chastised and you'll be back to eating beans, chili and hot dogs?!

Marilyn Miller said...

Sounds like a good new crew member there. Lucky you!