

Friday, April 19, 2013

Heavy sigh.

I see a lot of strange things on the water,
barges carrying all kinds of unusual stuff.

But I've never seen these before.

I'm told by our chief mate
that these are off shore anchors.
Actually, these big pipes get lower into the water 
until they reach the bottom.
At that point all the air gets sucked out of them
and these things sink into the ocean floor.

If you zoom into the draft marks on the side, you see the top mark
say 110. That's 110 feet.
I'm assuming these are used
once they are secured below the ocean floor
to anchor oil rigs in place.

I didn't go back and ask the mate.
He was getting all full of himself explaining to me
how they work.




I just saw on tv
at 8:45 pm the second terrorist
who was on the run,
ran out of room.

They showed scenes
of the citizens on the street
giving the police a round of applause
as they drove out of town after cornering
and capturing the younger brother
of the 2 men who were involved in the bombings in Boston the other day.

I can't even imagine what Bill O'Reilly (Fox News)will come up with
to complain about on this one.
Big props to the Boston police, FBI and all who were involved.
Big props also to the citizens of Boston.

What a nightmare this has been.
I was thinking today as I was working in the engine room
how drastically life has changed in just the short 57 years I have been around.

I was thinking of the images I had just seen,
SWAT teams going door to door in a once sleepy neighborhood in Boston.
German shepards being led around sniffing for bombs.

Empty streets
because the police had told everyone to stay inside.
( Easier to catch a murdering coward trying to blend into a crowd.
No crowds, no blending.)

Neighborhoods that look like war zones
with SWAT trucks
and armed men anxiously searching
with guns at the ready.

Hell, when I was a kid
my neighbor would go to Mass on Sunday
and leave their young child in a crib,
on the front patio with no worries.

OK, I agree
as I type that it just hit me
how crazy that was.
But you get my point, right?



Jerral Miles said...

I agree... Yea, Boston!... but I wonder why I can't get this miserable 19-year-old kid out of my mind... life probably slipping away... I can't get out of my mind the people he killed and those he maimed tragically... but there is some (the President's words) malevolence, some bigger evil behind this sad kid. How does it happen??? Evil in kids??? We've got a problem, that's for sure.

Thanks Mark for another very good BLOG post.

beth said...

i totally get your point, as i rode in a car without ever wearing a seatbelt....for years.

YEAH boston.

but my heart aches for the "boy gone bad" sad. i just don't understand how what happened happens...i just don't understand.

Sueann said...

I don't know about leaving a kid on the patio while I went to church...but I do remember how "safe" it was back then. We used to wander all over adult supervision!
Times have changed.

sharon oler said...

On several ok, all of your last few post I agree, I agree I agree! So nice to know there ARE kindred spirits abound !
I love the photo of the guy in the kyack, somedays I feel just like a huge ship is coming my way and I am in a kyack! Very funny. Thanks for sharing.

Marilyn Miller said...

When we were young there was a lot of things we could do outside without parent supervision. The whole thing in Boston is indeed just plain sad.