

Friday, July 11, 2014

Should have went

There was a funeral today for my cousin. Geography and a difference in age kept us from being "close" over the years, but as time marched on it seems now the difference in age wasn't as large.

I had every intention of attending his funeral today. Having a job that takes me away from home one half of each year, decreases my chances by 50% of me attending these family sad events. When my work schedule permits, I like to go to support my relatives. So when this date overlapped with a scheduled appointment I had with a skin doctor, I found I could not attend my cousins funeral, and I feel terrible about that.

My current issues seem miniscule compared with what the surviving members of my cousins family are going through, and that's because they are. I feel terrible I didn't go. I should have found a solution.

Thankfully, my sister travelled the many hours to Buffalo NY, representing the rest of us who could not make it. For that I am grateful.

I hope his family finds the peace that this photo represents....


Formerly known as Frau said...

Sorry for your loss!

ain't for city gals said...

I had this happen when my uncle died...I didn't go to the funeral and I have felt bad about it ever since...there was no excuse. I won't let it happen again...

Busy Bee Suz said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. If it's any consolation, surely your cousin would understand your situation.
Wishing you and his family peace and healing.