

Friday, July 29, 2016

Do you have PERMISSION ?

The last time I posted I was getting emails from friends saying that they did not have "permission" to look at the contents of this blog.

I don't know how that happened or why, but let it be known to all far and wide, that they have "permission" from me to look at the contents of this blog. I mean seriously, if you don't have "permission", how can you learn of my very important thoughts about boating, how to make the best coffee,  food or my latest rants about the political climate that now surrounds us.

Anyway, I am stopping here, in case the world still does not have my "permission" to look at this blog. ( I swear I give you my permission)

So, I'll just wait till I hear from someone saying, "yes, Rants and Raves is back."

In the meantime, pictured above are the 4 most important people in my life, the picture taken at my daughter Keely's wedding this past June. Details to come, if you have "permission" to read about it.

Standing by


Denise at Autumn Sky said...

Nice to see you.

Karen said...

You're back!!.... now carry on.... much to discuss here.

Meryl Baer said...

Keep on writing and we'll keep on reading...

Joey said...


Vicky said...

Beautiful family! You're really back!

Busy Bee Suz said...

What a beautiful photo!!!!