

Thursday, March 12, 2009

A bad day

I’m back on the boat for another interesting 3 weeks. This morning Josue, one of my fellow crew members received the worst possible news a seaman can hear. His mom passed away last night. I feel just terrible for him.
I was on the boat when both my parents and my father in law died and it is just the worst place to be when that happens. You feel bad because you feel you should have been there, even though there’s really nothing you could have done. You feel bad because you’re not there to support the rest of the family who is there.
I gave my condolences to Josue this morning, but I know his head is swimming with all kinds of thoughts and he probably won’t even remember me talking to him. The only good thing is we are at anchor and we will be able to get him home today to take care of the business at hand.
What Josue sees right now is the crew going about their business of working on the boat when all he can think about is how he’s going to get off this thing. In the back of his mind he’s wondering, how can you guys just go about your business, my mom just died? In a few days he’ll understand.
Today’s not a good day on the boat.
Everyone’s heart is a bit heavier today.

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